
Persistent key-value store with automatic write-to-disk and schema enforcement.


No dependencies.


In most cases, the resulting ConfigStore object can just be treated exactly like a dictionary.

from configstore import ConfigStore

config = ConfigStore("settings.json")  # Will read/write to "settings.json"
config["foo1"] = "bar1"  # Simple key/value store. Write is automatically performed.
config["list_example"] = [1, 2, 3]  # lists work
config["nested"] = {"foo2": "bar2"}  # So do nested dictionaries.

config_reload = ConfigStore.load("settings.json")  # Load an existing config
assert config_reload == config  # They should be the same.

with config:  # defer writes until the contextmanager exits.
    config["a"] = 1
    config["b"] = 2
    config["c"] = 3

Supplying Dictionary Defaults

Like a dictionary, the config object has an update method to merge in a dictionary. The update method will overwrite existing keys:

config["foo"] = "bar"
config["value"] = 123
config.update({"name": "alice", "value": 456})

assert config["foo"] == "bar"
assert config["value"] == 456
assert config["name"] == "alice"

To supply default values, use the merge method. Existing values will not be overwritten.

config["foo"] = "bar"
config["value"] = 123
config.merge({"name": "alice", "value": 456})

assert config["foo"] == "bar"
assert config["value"] == 123
assert config["name"] == "alice"

Freezing Schema

Often, once configured, the json schema should be fixed to prevent accidental misconfigurations. This includes things like typoing keys, or assigning incorrect value datatypes. Call the freeze_schema to freeze the ConfigStore object.

config["foo"] = "bar"
config["my_list"] = [1, 2, 3]

For dictionaries, attempting to assign a different datatype to a key will result in a FrozenError exception.

config["foo"] = 123  # raises FrozenError

For lists, values can no longer be appended to (list will have fixed length). When replacing an element, the new element must have the same datatype.

config["my_list"].append(4)  # raises FrozenError
config["my_list"][0] = "foo"  # raises FrozenError
config["my_list"][1] = 42  # this is OK

Freezing only specific children types is possible:

config.freeze_schema(dicts=True, lists=True, recursive=True)  # Default values