
1D interpolation methods.


No dependencies


Base interpolater class. Not to be directly instantiated. All interpolaters have the same interface; linear interpolation is shown below as a demonstration:

import interp1d

x = [1, 5, 17]  # Inputs
y = [20, 6, 14]  # Outputs
mapping = interp1d.Linear(x, y)
mapping(11)  # 10.0

The input x array must be sorted.

By default, querying a value outside the range of input datapoints will raise a ValueError.

mapping(18)  # raises ValueError

We can control this behavior with the fill_value argument by either specifying the string "clip" or by specifying a tuple of 2 floats representing (low, high):

import interp1d

x = [1, 5, 17]
y = [20, 6, 14]

mapping = interp1d.Linear(x, y, fill_value="clip")
mapping(0)  # 20
mapping(18)  # 14

mapping = interp1d.Linear(x, y, fill_value=(-100, 100))
mapping(0)  # -100
mapping(18)  # 100


Linear interpolation.


Cubic interpolation.


Monotone preserving cubic interpolation. Unlike Cubic, MonoSpline guarantees interpolated values to be in-between it's supporting points.

Linear, Cubic, and Monospline interpolation.

The above graphic comes from antdvid's implementation, which this implementation is also based on.


Not an interpolation function, but may be externally useful. For a given sorted iterable, finds the index where a value should be inserted to maintain order.

data = [1, 5, 10]
searchsorted(data, 0)  # 0
searchsorted(data, 1)  # 0
searchsorted(data, 2)  # 1
searchsorted(data, 8)  # 2
searchsorted(data, 11)  # 3