
Proportional-Integral-Derivative autotuning using the Relay Method.


  • controlhal

  • ringbuffer

While not a direct dependency, this library is intended to be used in conjunction with the pid library.


The main class, PIDAutotune, is itself a controlhal.Controller. For typical usage, you can temporarily swap out

from controlhal import ControlLoop, AutotuneSuccess, AutotuneFailure
from pid import PID
from pidautotune import PIDAutotune
from time import sleep

heater = get_actuator()  # Just some controhal.Actuator
thermometer = get_sensor()  # Just some controlhal.Sensor

pid = PID(0.05, 0.001)
control_loop = ControlLoop(heater, thermometer, pid)

# Set the hysterisis to be a small value, but larger than random peak-to-peak
# sensor noise.
autotuner = PIDAutotune(control_loop.setpoint, hysterisis=1.5)

# Could do normal control_loop things, but here we will temporarily
# swap out the PID controller for the PIDAutotune controller.

with control_loop.use(autotuner):
        while True:
    except AutotuneSuccess as e:
        print(f"PID parameters: {e.parameters}")
        pid.parameters = e.parameters
    except AutotuneFailure:
        print("Autotuner failed to converge")

# Continues on with ``pid``

By default, parameters are computed using the "some-overshoot" method. Available tuning formulas include:

  • "some-overshoot" - Default

  • "ziegler-nichols-p"

  • "ziegler-nichols-pi"

  • "ziegler-nichols-pid"

  • "no-overshoot"

  • "tyreus-luyben"

The parameter computation technique can be specified by setting method when creating the autotuner. Alternatively, a tuning rule can be specified

autotuner = PIDAutotune(80.0, hysterisis=1.5, method="ziegler-nichols-pi")
# after running until AutotuneSuccess:
k_p, k_i, k_d = autotuner.compute_tunings("ziegler-nichols-pid")


This library is heavily modified from hirschmann's implementation. In turn, his library was inspired by Brett Beauregard's arduino library, PIDAutotuneLibrary. Large portions of the code have been rewritten to favor readability (like using floating point) over microcontroller performance.