Welcome to micropython-libs's documentation!


This repository contains a collection of single-file libraries intended for a micropython target.

All micropython libraries are located in the lib/ folder of this repo.

Generic Libraries

These libraries generally don't depend on specific hardware and primarily contain just software algorithms/abstractions.

  • configstore - Persistent auto-write key-value store.

  • controlhal - Abstractions for controlling a dynamic system. Easy PID control loops.

  • debouncedpin - Debounced Pin drop-in that automatically handles switch debouncing. Can also simultaneously drive an LED using the same pin with DebouncedLedPin.

  • interp1d - One dimensional interpolation functions.

  • oversample - Oversample a sensor to improve the SNR and measurement resolution at the cost of increased CPU utilization and reduced throughput.

  • pid - PID controller. Not recommended for fast processes (not for quadcopters). Requires: controlhal.

  • pidautotune - Autotune for PID controllers. Requires controlhal.

  • ringbuffer - RingBuffer with builtin statistical methods.

  • uprofiler - Code profiling tools.

Hardware Drivers

These libraries contain drivers for specific hardware. Whenever possible, these drivers abide by the standards in docs/hardware.

  • max6675 - MAX6675 Cold-Junction-Compensated K-Thermocouple-to-Digital Converter (0°C to +1024°C).


We recommend using the Belay Package Manager for installing desired libraries. To install Belay on your computer, run:

pip install belay

Then, define your project name and dependencies in your project's pyproject.toml file. Belay assumes you have a python package in your project with the same name as tool.belay.name:

name = "my_project_name"

ringbuffer = "https://github.com/BrianPugh/micropython-libs/blob/main/lib/ringbuffer.py"

pythonpath = ".belay/dependencies/main"

Then, to actually download the dependencies (and update them if already downloaded), run the following in your project's root directory:

belay update

Finally, to actually get the code onto your device, run:

belay install [DEVICE-PORT]

You can specify other argument to belay install, including cross-compiling the python code.

Repo Folder Structure

  • lib/ - Micropython modules.

  • tests/ - Tests for micropython modules

  • demos/ - For code that primarily interacts with hardware, these serve as minimal scripts for demonstrating their use.

  • tools/ - Auxiliary scripts that aid in project maintenance or experiments to drive design decisions.

Indices and tables