
Control Hardware Abstraction Layer.

This library provides inheritable base classes that simplifies reading inputs (sensors) and controlling outputs (actuators). The interfaces to these classes relies heavily on both inheritance and composition so that peripherals can be easily swapped and combined. Sensor reads and actuator writes are self-caching and self-limiting, meaning they can be efficiently in quick succession without worrying about physical implications. This allows code to be very loosely coupled, for example:

# Conventional: need to pass around a cached value.
while True:
    temperature = read_temperature()
    print(f"temperature: {temperature}°C")
    if temperature > 100:

# ControlHAL: read sensor as much as your want.
# Rapid repeated reads will return a cached value.
while True:
    print(f"temperature: {sensor()}°C")
    if sensor() > 100:

See the source files for more details on function and class APIs. Anytime that a machine.Pin is referenced, a machine.Signal or signal.Signal may be a more appropriate choice.


No Dependencies


  • ringbuffer - Only used in the Derivative virtual sensor.

Protocol Summary

The methods for each class in ControlHAL is summarizes in the table below:






Read sensor (SI).

Read setpoint (%).


Predict actuator % from sensor (SI).



Write setpoint & device (%).

Predict actuator value (%) from sensor(s) value (SI).

Args/Kwargs are passed to controller.__call__.


Read sensor (SI).

Read setpoint (%).

Read setpoint (SI).

Read sensor (SI).



Write setpoint (%) & device.

Write setpoint (SI).

Write setpoint to controller (SI).


Prevents future reads. Subsequent reads return last cached value.

Writes 0.0 to setpoint & device. Disables future writes.

No effect.

Propagate estop call to all attributes and controllers.

get setpoint

Always returns 0.

Get setpoint (%).

Get setpoint (SI).

Get controller's setpoint (SI).

set setpoint


Set setpoint (%).

Set setpoint (SI).

Set controller's setpoint (SI).

In this table:

  • SI - sane metric values appropriate for the sensor.

  • % - A floating point value ranging from [0, 1] representing 0% ~ 100%.

All classes described inherit from the Peripheral base class.


Abstract input sensor class.

Input devices should inherit from Sensor and implement the _raw_read method. Optionally the _convert may also be implemented. The default _convert method is an identity operation.

def _raw_read(self) -> float:
    """Read sensor.

    The returned value **may** be in standard units; or may be in a fast
    intermediate format for ``self._convert`` to post process into standard
    units. It is recommended to put fast, sensor reading logic into
    ``_raw_read``, and put expensive deferred logic into ``_convert``.
    This way, the sensor can be oversampled with minimal overhead.


def _convert(self, val: float) -> float:
    """Convert raw-value from ``_raw_read`` to a SI base unit float.

    Used to only call conversion once per oversample, rather than once per sample.


    val : float


Sensor can be oversampled by providing an integer value samples to __init__. Defaults to 1 sample per read (i.e. no oversampling).


Sensor using an ADC input.

from controlhal import ADCSensor
from machine import ADC

sensor = ADCSensor(ADC(0))


A virtual sensor that acts as the time-derivative of another sensor.

from machine import ADC
from controlhal import Derivative

position_sensor = ADCSensor(ADC(0))
velocity_sensor = Derivative(position_sensor)
velocity =

Internally uses the five-point stencil to compute the derivative over a series of input measurements. The returned derivative will be 0 until the internal buffer of length 5 fills up.


Abstract output actuator class.

Output devices should inherit from Actuator and implement the _raw_write method.

def _raw_write(self, val: float):
    """Perform actual write ``val`` to actuator.

    val : float
        Value to write in range ``[0., 1.]``.

Attempting to read from an actuator will return the current setpoint in range [0., 1.]. This value is also available via the read-only setpoint attribute.


Varies an output actuator via pulse-width-modulation.

Uses an internal virtual timer and intended for relatively slow processes like controlling a heater (period > 1 second).

from controlhal import TimeproportionalActuator

heater = TimeProportionalActuator(Pin(1, Pin.OUT), period=10.0)
heater.write(0.75)  # Heater will be on for 7.5 seconds, then off for 2.5 seconds.


Varies an output actuator via pulse-width-modulation.

Similar to a TimeProportionalActuator, but requires a supplied configured PWM object. Intended for more rapid output devices, like LEDs or motors.

from controlhal import PWMActuator
from machine import Pin, PWM

pwm = PWM(Pin(12))
pwm.freq(500)  # Set frequency to 500Hz
actuator = PWMActuator(pwm)  # The PWMActuator class will handle setting duty-cycle


Collect a set of peripherals into a single class. Can be used for more complex controllers while re-using other classes in this library.

from controlhal import Multi

multi_sensor = Multi(sensor1, sensor2, sensor3)
# Will read and return all 3 sensors
sensor1_val, sensor2_val, sensor3_val =

Multi can be subclassed to provide more structure/order to the constructor:

class MotorSensor(MultiSensor):
    def __init__(self, position, current, temperature):
        super().__init__(position, current, temperature)


Abstract base class for predictive models that consume sensor data and produce actuator predictions.

At the very least, needs to implement the following methods:

class MyController(Controller):
    def parameters(self) -> Any:
        """Internal parameters that a controller can be constructed from.

        e.g. for a PID controller, this would be ``(k_p, k_i, k_d)``

    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> float:
        """Given some sensor input, predict what the actuator value
        should be to drive the system to ``setpoint``.

The controller setpoint can be written to either by directly writing to controller.setpoint or by calling the controller.write(val) method.

For a more indepth example, see the pid library for a PID controller.


A self-contained control loop system for single-input/single-output systems. For example, controlling a heating element based on feedback from a temperature sensor. The example below uses the pid library.

from controlhal import ADCSensor, ControlLoop
from machine import ADC, Pin
from pid import PID
from time import sleep

temperature_sensor = ADCSensor(
    ADC(0), 100 / 65535
)  # Hypothetical analog sensor [0, 100] °C
heater = TimeProportionalActuator(Pin(1, Pin.OUT))
pid = PID(0.05, 0.0001)

control_loop = ControlLoop(heater, temperature_sensor, pid)

while True:
    control_loop()  # Reads sensor, invokes controller, and updates actuator.